a history of my minahasa and netherland dutch
Dutch Docu Channel
Halaman Disukai · 17 Desember 2013 · ·
Treaty of 10 Januari 1679 between the Dutch East India Company (VOC) and the leaders of the Minahassan people.
In the second half of the 16th century, both Portuguese and the Spanish arrived in North Sulawesi. The Dutch governor of Maluku, Robert Padtbrugge, visited Manado in 1679. Out of this visit came a treaty with the local Minahasan chiefs, which led to domination by the Dutch for the next 300 years although indirect government only commenced in 1870.
The contract was signed on January 10, 1679, in which the heads of the Minahasa declared: "wanting to be the loyal subjects under the East India Company and loyal to them as their Lord and Master and will accept the Dutch as their Sovereign and to obey and respect " The original contract from 1679 is not found back. However, a new contract ""Nader Contract"" of September 10, 1699 still excist.
It reads (in Dutch);
"Nader Contract ende Voorwaarden aangegaan ende gesloten tusschen den capitain Paulus de Breevinghe en ondercoopman Samuel Hattingh in name ende van wegen den EdAgtbaren Heer Salomon Lesage Gouverneur en Directeur mitsgaders den raad der Moluccos en vervolgens den Hoog Edelen Beer Mr. Wilhelm van Oudhoorn Gouverneur-Generaal ende de Wel Edele Heeren raden van Nederlands India, representeerende den Staat der Vereenigde Nederlandse geoctroyeerde Oost Indise Compagnie in deze gewesten ter eenre — mitsgaders de drie Hoofdhoecums, majoors Soepit, Lonto en Paat en wijders alle de rigters van de gezamentlijke zoo beneden boven als agterlandse dorpen onder de landstreek van Manado ressorteerende, ter andere zyde.
Art. I.
Eerstelijk zoo belooven de drie Hoofdhoecums, majoors en verdere rigters der respectieve dorpen zoo beneden boven als in de agterlanden het aangegaan verbond ende contract met den Edelen Heer oud-Gouverneur Robbertus Padbrugge in dato 16 Januarij 1679 alhier tot Manado gemaakt en besloten onverbrekelijk te sullen onderhouden en doen onderhouden, sonder daarvan in het minste poinct af te wijken, houdende hetzelve in deze als vernieuwt.
Art. II.
Verklaren zijlieden mede in deze voor gerenoveerd te houden hunne aangegane verbintenissen in dato ultimo September 1694 ten overstaan van de ondercooplieden Pieter Alsteyn en Stephanus Thierry en vaandrig David Haak met de afgezondene gemagtigden van den overledene Koning van Bolaang, Loloda Mocoago onder beloften van dezelve mede poinctuellijk te zullen naarkomen en doen onderhouden.
Art. III.
Ten derden soo verklaren sij Hoofdhoecoms, majoors en gezamentlijke dorprigters voor haar en hare nakomelingen eeuwiglijk uit een vrije en onbedwongen wille te deserteeren en afstand te doen van hun gewone landsregten, in het toctocken ofte in huspot cappen van een onnosele 'tzij lijff of landeigene in plaatse van den overtuigden moordenaar of andere grove misdadigers vermits verklarende van deze grouweldaden een volkomen afgrijzen en walginge te hebben, waaromme ook belooven en aannemen voor haar en hare nakomelingen te sullen betoogen dat nimmer onder hun gebiedt 'tzij onder wat pretext het ook zouden mogen wezen iemand ooit door toctocken weder ter dood werden gebragt, maar verbinden haar om alle moordenaars, misdadigers dewelke leven of lijfstraffe verdiend hebben, deselven ten eersten in handen der Edele Compagnie te sullen overleveren om over haar soodanige straffe geoeffent te worden als de grootheid harer misdaden, hebben komen te requireeren op poene dat diegene welke van haar 'tzij Hoofdhoecoms, majoors of dorpshoofden presente ofte toekomende hierinne mogte nalatig blijven, ofte wel zig tegens deze verbintenisse komen aan te kanten, dieswegen zullen onderhavig blijven sodanige straffen als d'Edele Compagnie over haar als bondbrekers sal gelieven te oefenen en dewelke sij hun in 't geheel onderwerpen.
Art. IV.
Soo belooven sij mede in handen der Edele Compagnie te sullen overleveren alle degeene die te eeniger tijd mogten bevonden worden met verraad of hoedanig sulx ook zouden mogen wezen hun tegens d'Edele Compagnie te hebben aangekant ofte wel eenige der hier omherliggende koningen en bondgenooten daartoe te hebben aangemoedigt, om mede op 't rigoureuste aan 't leven gestraft te werden.
Art. V.
Oversulx zoo belooven zij gezamentlijke regenten in den hoofde dezes gemeld, geene andere europeaansche natien 'tzij Spanjaarden, Portugesen, Fransen, Engelsen, Deenen ofte Sweeden, nogte ook geene Macassaren, Javanen, Atchinders ofte eenige natien buiten het territoir van het Moluxe gouvernement gehoorende en veel minder 's Compagnies vijanden hoedanig die ook soude mogen genaamt wesen in hare landen te ontvangen ofte dulden, maar de soodanige of en naar Ternaten, ofte wel aan den resident alhier hebben te wijsen of dezelve verzekert herwaarts brengen.
Art. VI.
Waaromme hun ook verbinden sig steeds to sullen bethonen vrienden van 's Compagnies vrienden en vijanden van 's Compagnies vijanden te wesen en oversulx nevens andere bondgenoten d'Edele Compagnie 'tzij te water ofte land getrouwelijk te sullen bijstaan en tot des doods toe te helpen, redden en beschermen soo de nood sulx mogte komen te vereischen.
Art. VII.
Uit welke hoofde ook geen oorlogen nog vreeden met iemand wie het ook zouden mogen wezen, zullen vermogen te maken ofte aantegaan dan met voorgaande licentie der Edele Compagnie.
Art. VIII.
De geschillen onder deze landaart ontstaande sullen soo deselve swaar zijn en bij de dorpshoofden ter plaatsen door die rigteren niet afgedaan kunnende worden in de algemeene landvergadering aan 's Compagnies Loge ten bijwezen van den Resident moeten beslegt worden, dog in die vergadering daarinne niet kunnende overeenkomen daarmeden moeten gesurcheert worden tot de comste van 's Compagnies expresse gecommitteerdens alhier sonder in die tusschentijd eenige feijtelijkheden gelijk weleer geschiet zij, dierwegen te plegen.
Art. IX.
Zoo verbind hun d'Edele Compagnie omme de gezamentlijke gemeente van alle de beneden, boven en agterlandse dorpen als hare Edelagtbare bondgenoten steeds te sullen erkennen en voor alle geweld en overlast die haar iemand wie het ook zouden mogen wezen mogten worden aangedaan te sullen beschermen en na tijdsgelegenthedeu tegen de zoodanige hare vijanden to sullen adsisteeren.
Art. X.
Eindelijk soo belooven de gezamentlijke Hoofdhoecoms, Majoors en dorprigters in den hoofde dezes gemeld, de hiervoor beschrevene articulen en voorwaarden in 't geheel en sonder eenige de minste verminderinge deugdelijk en opregtiglijk te sullen onderhouden sonder ooit of t'eeniger tijd to sullen gedoogen dat iemand wie het ook souden moge wesen eenige overtredinge van dezen werden gedaan en om te thonen dat deze onze nadere verbintenisse met d'Edele Compagnie is geschied uit onze onbedwongene wil en sugt tot eendragt en welstand onzer volken en nakomelingen soo hebben wij ook geen swaarigheden gemaakt om dit contract met onze gezamentlijke handteekeningen en solemneelen eede op de Alphoereese wijze te bevestigen.
Aldus gecontracteerd besloten en beëedigt tot Manado in 's Compagnies Loge aan forteresse Amsterdam dezes 10 September 1699."
This "Nader Contract" of 1699 remained binding throughout the VOC era. The contract is confirmed several times, namely in 1790, 1791 and even more in the English time, in 1811.
The Dutch helped unite the linguistically diverse Minahasa confederacy, and in 1693 the Minahasa scored a decisive military victory against the Bolaang to the south. The Dutch influence flourished as the Minahasans embraced European culture and Christian religion. Missionary schools in Manado in 1881 were among the first attempts at mass education in Indonesia, giving their graduates a considerable edge in gaining civil service, military and other positions of influence.
Relations with the Dutch were often less than cordial (a war was fought around Tondano between 1807 and 1809) and the region did not actually come under direct Dutch rule until 1870. The Dutch and the Minahasans eventually became so close that the north was often referred to as the 12th province of the Netherlands. A Manado - based political movement called Twaalfde Provincie even campaigned for Minahasa's integration into the Dutch state in 1947.
Portuguese activity apart, Christianity became a force in the early 1820s when a Calvinist group, the Netherlands Missionary Society, turned from an almost exclusive interest in Maluku to the Minahasa area. The wholesale conversion of the Minahasans was almost complete by 1860. With the missionaries came mission schools, which meant that, as in Ambon and Roti, Western education in Minahasa started much earlier than in other parts of Indonesia. The Dutch government eventually took over some of these schools and also set up others. Because the schools taught in Dutch, the Minahasans had an early advantage in the competition for government jobs and places in the colonial army. Minahasans remain among the educated elite today.
Armed forces
A relatively large number of Minahasans pursued professional military careers in the colonial army (KNIL). Next to the South Moluccan Ambonese, the Minahasa Menadonese were also considered a martial race and therefore particularly competent and trustworthy as soldiers. As KNIL soldiers the Minahasans fought alongside the Dutch to subdue rebellions in other parts of the archipelago, such as for instance the Java War of 1825-30.
As a large percentage of Minahasans was formally equalised to the European legal class, young men were also obliged to serve as conscripts when mandatory military service for Europeans was introduced in 1917. Older men (as off 32) were obliged to join the Home guard (Dutch: Landstorm).
During the Japanese occupation of the Dutch East Indies in WWII many Menadonese soldiers were held captive as POW's.
They seemed to gain a special role in the Dutch scheme of things and their loyalty to the Dutch as soldiers, their Christian religion and their geographic isolation from the rest of Indonesia all led to a sense of being 'different' from the other ethnic groups of the archipelago.
Language Map of the Minahasa people, Dutch East Indies (1930)
minahasa and the dutch
Dutch Docu Channel
Halaman Disukai · 17 Desember 2013 · ·
Netherland's twelfth province: the Minahasa, 250 years connected to Netherlands, Over Holland aan de Vecht, Netherlands (29 June 1929)
The Minahasans (alternative spelling: Minahassa or Mina hasa) are an ethnic group located in the North Sulawesi province of Indonesia, formerly known as North Celebes. The Minahasa people would refer to themselves as Kawanua people, Touwenang people or more commonly as Manado people. They are actually a nation with oldest democracy and federal nation in the middle of the other Indonesian Tribes, even in Asia, because of their old tribal united government (declared in Watu Pinawetengan). They are the most populous ethnic group in the Minahassa Peninsula. They have the big majority Christian among the country (Indonesia) with Muslim majority. The Minahasans speak Minahasan languages as sub-tribal language for every sub-tribe of Minahasa and Manado Malay (also known as Minahasa Malay), a language closely related to the Malay language as national language in the local area.
Minahasa Raya is the area covering Bitung City, Manado City, Tomohon City, Minahasa Regency, North Minahasa Regency, South Minahasa Regency and Southeast Minahasa Regency, which are altogether seven of the fifteen regional administrations in the province of North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Originally inhabited by Philippine languages-speaking peoples, the region was colonized in the 16th century by the Portuguese and Spanish, the Dutch VOC concluded a commercial contract on 10 January 1679 which lasted untill Indonesian proclamation of Independence.
In the Dutch East Indies the Minahasa people identified strongly with the Dutch language, culture and the Protestant faith — so strongly, in fact, that when Indonesia became independent in 1949 certain factions of political elites of the region even pleaded with the Dutch to let it become a province of the Netherlands. The centuries-old strong bond between the Minahasa and the Netherlands has recently been studied and explained using the Stranger King concept.
There is a considerable number of people from the Minahasa living in the Netherlands, as part of the Indo (Eurasian) community
Waruga are a type of sarcophagus or above ground tomb traditionally used by the Minahasans of North Sulawesi, Indonesia. They are made of stone and consist or a ridged upper part and a box shaped lower section.
Minhasa dead were originally wrapped in woka, a type of leaf. Woka is the leaf of the fan palm, Livistona. Then they were put in wooden coffins In the 9th century the Minahasa started using waruga.
Bodies are put in a position facing north. They seated with heel and toe attaches to the buttocks and the head "kissing" the knees. The Minhasa believe their ancestors came from the north.
In 1828 the Dutch banned the use of waruga and the Minahasa started making coffins. Disease outbreak, including typhoid and cholera, was feared. And Christian practice is to bury the dead.
Waruga in Tonsea have carvings and reliefs showing how the bodies are stored in their respective waruga and illustrating livelihoods.
There are about 370 Warugas (waruga-waruga) in Rap-Rap (15), Airmadidi Down (211) and Sawangan, North Sulawesi (144).
They are a tourist attraction and were listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1995 in the waruga archaeological park in Sawangan. At Taman Purbakala Waruga-Waruga, the sarcophagi have been collected from surrounding areas and at a nearby museum porcelain, armbands, axes and bone fragments are exhibited. Most of the waruga have been looted for valuable contents.
Hungary - Dutch East Indies (6-0) Reims, France (5 june, 1938)
The Dutch East Indies was one of the participants in the World Cup in 1938. With Brazil and Cuba the only non-European participants in the World Cup. The Dutch colony was placed for the finals having to play without qualifiers because opponent Japan withdrew.
Because the motherland Netherlands also participated in the World Cup the national anthem was heard twice at the event. The team consisted only of players from the Nederlandsch-Indische Voetbal Unie (NIVU) and the Dutch Association president Johannes Christoffel van Mastenbroek acted as trainer. The indigenous federation PSSI, which worked together with the NIVU , was not represented among the players because there were several of Chinese origin. The participation of 1938 was the only one in the history of the Dutch East Indies. In 1950, at the next World Cup, the colony had become independent, and was called Indonesia. After independence, Indonesia has never managed to qualify for the finals.
Halaman Disukai · 17 Desember 2013 · ·
Treaty of 10 Januari 1679 between the Dutch East India Company (VOC) and the leaders of the Minahassan people.
In the second half of the 16th century, both Portuguese and the Spanish arrived in North Sulawesi. The Dutch governor of Maluku, Robert Padtbrugge, visited Manado in 1679. Out of this visit came a treaty with the local Minahasan chiefs, which led to domination by the Dutch for the next 300 years although indirect government only commenced in 1870.
The contract was signed on January 10, 1679, in which the heads of the Minahasa declared: "wanting to be the loyal subjects under the East India Company and loyal to them as their Lord and Master and will accept the Dutch as their Sovereign and to obey and respect " The original contract from 1679 is not found back. However, a new contract ""Nader Contract"" of September 10, 1699 still excist.
It reads (in Dutch);
"Nader Contract ende Voorwaarden aangegaan ende gesloten tusschen den capitain Paulus de Breevinghe en ondercoopman Samuel Hattingh in name ende van wegen den EdAgtbaren Heer Salomon Lesage Gouverneur en Directeur mitsgaders den raad der Moluccos en vervolgens den Hoog Edelen Beer Mr. Wilhelm van Oudhoorn Gouverneur-Generaal ende de Wel Edele Heeren raden van Nederlands India, representeerende den Staat der Vereenigde Nederlandse geoctroyeerde Oost Indise Compagnie in deze gewesten ter eenre — mitsgaders de drie Hoofdhoecums, majoors Soepit, Lonto en Paat en wijders alle de rigters van de gezamentlijke zoo beneden boven als agterlandse dorpen onder de landstreek van Manado ressorteerende, ter andere zyde.
Art. I.
Eerstelijk zoo belooven de drie Hoofdhoecums, majoors en verdere rigters der respectieve dorpen zoo beneden boven als in de agterlanden het aangegaan verbond ende contract met den Edelen Heer oud-Gouverneur Robbertus Padbrugge in dato 16 Januarij 1679 alhier tot Manado gemaakt en besloten onverbrekelijk te sullen onderhouden en doen onderhouden, sonder daarvan in het minste poinct af te wijken, houdende hetzelve in deze als vernieuwt.
Art. II.
Verklaren zijlieden mede in deze voor gerenoveerd te houden hunne aangegane verbintenissen in dato ultimo September 1694 ten overstaan van de ondercooplieden Pieter Alsteyn en Stephanus Thierry en vaandrig David Haak met de afgezondene gemagtigden van den overledene Koning van Bolaang, Loloda Mocoago onder beloften van dezelve mede poinctuellijk te zullen naarkomen en doen onderhouden.
Art. III.
Ten derden soo verklaren sij Hoofdhoecoms, majoors en gezamentlijke dorprigters voor haar en hare nakomelingen eeuwiglijk uit een vrije en onbedwongen wille te deserteeren en afstand te doen van hun gewone landsregten, in het toctocken ofte in huspot cappen van een onnosele 'tzij lijff of landeigene in plaatse van den overtuigden moordenaar of andere grove misdadigers vermits verklarende van deze grouweldaden een volkomen afgrijzen en walginge te hebben, waaromme ook belooven en aannemen voor haar en hare nakomelingen te sullen betoogen dat nimmer onder hun gebiedt 'tzij onder wat pretext het ook zouden mogen wezen iemand ooit door toctocken weder ter dood werden gebragt, maar verbinden haar om alle moordenaars, misdadigers dewelke leven of lijfstraffe verdiend hebben, deselven ten eersten in handen der Edele Compagnie te sullen overleveren om over haar soodanige straffe geoeffent te worden als de grootheid harer misdaden, hebben komen te requireeren op poene dat diegene welke van haar 'tzij Hoofdhoecoms, majoors of dorpshoofden presente ofte toekomende hierinne mogte nalatig blijven, ofte wel zig tegens deze verbintenisse komen aan te kanten, dieswegen zullen onderhavig blijven sodanige straffen als d'Edele Compagnie over haar als bondbrekers sal gelieven te oefenen en dewelke sij hun in 't geheel onderwerpen.
Art. IV.
Soo belooven sij mede in handen der Edele Compagnie te sullen overleveren alle degeene die te eeniger tijd mogten bevonden worden met verraad of hoedanig sulx ook zouden mogen wezen hun tegens d'Edele Compagnie te hebben aangekant ofte wel eenige der hier omherliggende koningen en bondgenooten daartoe te hebben aangemoedigt, om mede op 't rigoureuste aan 't leven gestraft te werden.
Art. V.
Oversulx zoo belooven zij gezamentlijke regenten in den hoofde dezes gemeld, geene andere europeaansche natien 'tzij Spanjaarden, Portugesen, Fransen, Engelsen, Deenen ofte Sweeden, nogte ook geene Macassaren, Javanen, Atchinders ofte eenige natien buiten het territoir van het Moluxe gouvernement gehoorende en veel minder 's Compagnies vijanden hoedanig die ook soude mogen genaamt wesen in hare landen te ontvangen ofte dulden, maar de soodanige of en naar Ternaten, ofte wel aan den resident alhier hebben te wijsen of dezelve verzekert herwaarts brengen.
Art. VI.
Waaromme hun ook verbinden sig steeds to sullen bethonen vrienden van 's Compagnies vrienden en vijanden van 's Compagnies vijanden te wesen en oversulx nevens andere bondgenoten d'Edele Compagnie 'tzij te water ofte land getrouwelijk te sullen bijstaan en tot des doods toe te helpen, redden en beschermen soo de nood sulx mogte komen te vereischen.
Art. VII.
Uit welke hoofde ook geen oorlogen nog vreeden met iemand wie het ook zouden mogen wezen, zullen vermogen te maken ofte aantegaan dan met voorgaande licentie der Edele Compagnie.
Art. VIII.
De geschillen onder deze landaart ontstaande sullen soo deselve swaar zijn en bij de dorpshoofden ter plaatsen door die rigteren niet afgedaan kunnende worden in de algemeene landvergadering aan 's Compagnies Loge ten bijwezen van den Resident moeten beslegt worden, dog in die vergadering daarinne niet kunnende overeenkomen daarmeden moeten gesurcheert worden tot de comste van 's Compagnies expresse gecommitteerdens alhier sonder in die tusschentijd eenige feijtelijkheden gelijk weleer geschiet zij, dierwegen te plegen.
Art. IX.
Zoo verbind hun d'Edele Compagnie omme de gezamentlijke gemeente van alle de beneden, boven en agterlandse dorpen als hare Edelagtbare bondgenoten steeds te sullen erkennen en voor alle geweld en overlast die haar iemand wie het ook zouden mogen wezen mogten worden aangedaan te sullen beschermen en na tijdsgelegenthedeu tegen de zoodanige hare vijanden to sullen adsisteeren.
Art. X.
Eindelijk soo belooven de gezamentlijke Hoofdhoecoms, Majoors en dorprigters in den hoofde dezes gemeld, de hiervoor beschrevene articulen en voorwaarden in 't geheel en sonder eenige de minste verminderinge deugdelijk en opregtiglijk te sullen onderhouden sonder ooit of t'eeniger tijd to sullen gedoogen dat iemand wie het ook souden moge wesen eenige overtredinge van dezen werden gedaan en om te thonen dat deze onze nadere verbintenisse met d'Edele Compagnie is geschied uit onze onbedwongene wil en sugt tot eendragt en welstand onzer volken en nakomelingen soo hebben wij ook geen swaarigheden gemaakt om dit contract met onze gezamentlijke handteekeningen en solemneelen eede op de Alphoereese wijze te bevestigen.
Aldus gecontracteerd besloten en beëedigt tot Manado in 's Compagnies Loge aan forteresse Amsterdam dezes 10 September 1699."
This "Nader Contract" of 1699 remained binding throughout the VOC era. The contract is confirmed several times, namely in 1790, 1791 and even more in the English time, in 1811.
The Dutch helped unite the linguistically diverse Minahasa confederacy, and in 1693 the Minahasa scored a decisive military victory against the Bolaang to the south. The Dutch influence flourished as the Minahasans embraced European culture and Christian religion. Missionary schools in Manado in 1881 were among the first attempts at mass education in Indonesia, giving their graduates a considerable edge in gaining civil service, military and other positions of influence.
Relations with the Dutch were often less than cordial (a war was fought around Tondano between 1807 and 1809) and the region did not actually come under direct Dutch rule until 1870. The Dutch and the Minahasans eventually became so close that the north was often referred to as the 12th province of the Netherlands. A Manado - based political movement called Twaalfde Provincie even campaigned for Minahasa's integration into the Dutch state in 1947.
Portuguese activity apart, Christianity became a force in the early 1820s when a Calvinist group, the Netherlands Missionary Society, turned from an almost exclusive interest in Maluku to the Minahasa area. The wholesale conversion of the Minahasans was almost complete by 1860. With the missionaries came mission schools, which meant that, as in Ambon and Roti, Western education in Minahasa started much earlier than in other parts of Indonesia. The Dutch government eventually took over some of these schools and also set up others. Because the schools taught in Dutch, the Minahasans had an early advantage in the competition for government jobs and places in the colonial army. Minahasans remain among the educated elite today.
Armed forces
A relatively large number of Minahasans pursued professional military careers in the colonial army (KNIL). Next to the South Moluccan Ambonese, the Minahasa Menadonese were also considered a martial race and therefore particularly competent and trustworthy as soldiers. As KNIL soldiers the Minahasans fought alongside the Dutch to subdue rebellions in other parts of the archipelago, such as for instance the Java War of 1825-30.
As a large percentage of Minahasans was formally equalised to the European legal class, young men were also obliged to serve as conscripts when mandatory military service for Europeans was introduced in 1917. Older men (as off 32) were obliged to join the Home guard (Dutch: Landstorm).
During the Japanese occupation of the Dutch East Indies in WWII many Menadonese soldiers were held captive as POW's.
They seemed to gain a special role in the Dutch scheme of things and their loyalty to the Dutch as soldiers, their Christian religion and their geographic isolation from the rest of Indonesia all led to a sense of being 'different' from the other ethnic groups of the archipelago.
Language Map of the Minahasa people, Dutch East Indies (1930)
minahasa and the dutch
Dutch Docu Channel
Halaman Disukai · 17 Desember 2013 · ·
Netherland's twelfth province: the Minahasa, 250 years connected to Netherlands, Over Holland aan de Vecht, Netherlands (29 June 1929)
The Minahasans (alternative spelling: Minahassa or Mina hasa) are an ethnic group located in the North Sulawesi province of Indonesia, formerly known as North Celebes. The Minahasa people would refer to themselves as Kawanua people, Touwenang people or more commonly as Manado people. They are actually a nation with oldest democracy and federal nation in the middle of the other Indonesian Tribes, even in Asia, because of their old tribal united government (declared in Watu Pinawetengan). They are the most populous ethnic group in the Minahassa Peninsula. They have the big majority Christian among the country (Indonesia) with Muslim majority. The Minahasans speak Minahasan languages as sub-tribal language for every sub-tribe of Minahasa and Manado Malay (also known as Minahasa Malay), a language closely related to the Malay language as national language in the local area.
Minahasa Raya is the area covering Bitung City, Manado City, Tomohon City, Minahasa Regency, North Minahasa Regency, South Minahasa Regency and Southeast Minahasa Regency, which are altogether seven of the fifteen regional administrations in the province of North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Originally inhabited by Philippine languages-speaking peoples, the region was colonized in the 16th century by the Portuguese and Spanish, the Dutch VOC concluded a commercial contract on 10 January 1679 which lasted untill Indonesian proclamation of Independence.
In the Dutch East Indies the Minahasa people identified strongly with the Dutch language, culture and the Protestant faith — so strongly, in fact, that when Indonesia became independent in 1949 certain factions of political elites of the region even pleaded with the Dutch to let it become a province of the Netherlands. The centuries-old strong bond between the Minahasa and the Netherlands has recently been studied and explained using the Stranger King concept.
There is a considerable number of people from the Minahasa living in the Netherlands, as part of the Indo (Eurasian) community
1831-2018...187 years of evangelizing in minahasa from netherland..inside pic a nice clasic pure viuw of minahasa ( the viuw not yet being touch by any tourism inc ) and my grend father he was a domeniq and go ministry around minahasa whit a wagon he have 10 kids and put inside all in that tradisional wagon on the road to go around minahasa and some other place like in gorontalo ( stil a dark age of transportation etc mybe a real dirt road race whit wagon ).. some off the picture was famely colection and at COLLECTIE TROPEN MUSEUM & mr romy toar nonutu & mr judie turambie ( if u curious for more pure classic minahasa pic u can check on them or at ukit liberary for history like 2 germeny zending Johann Friedrich Riedel ( berlin )dan Johann Gottlieb Schwarz ( konigsbergen ) send by Nederlandsch Zendeling Genootschap NZG or the first minahasa thet become christian was a catholik by francesco de castro around 1538 )...good day and be blessed from us at minahasa indonesia
Houses in Tondano regency near Manado, Minahasa, Dutch East Indies (c. 1870)
Publisher: Woodbury & Page
Houses in Tondano regency near Manado, Minahasa, Dutch East Indies (c. 1870)
Publisher: Woodbury & Page
Seven sarcophagi (Waruga) Minahasa lands, North Sulawesi ( c.1822)
Painter: Adrianus Johannes BikWaruga are a type of sarcophagus or above ground tomb traditionally used by the Minahasans of North Sulawesi, Indonesia. They are made of stone and consist or a ridged upper part and a box shaped lower section.
Minhasa dead were originally wrapped in woka, a type of leaf. Woka is the leaf of the fan palm, Livistona. Then they were put in wooden coffins In the 9th century the Minahasa started using waruga.
Bodies are put in a position facing north. They seated with heel and toe attaches to the buttocks and the head "kissing" the knees. The Minhasa believe their ancestors came from the north.
In 1828 the Dutch banned the use of waruga and the Minahasa started making coffins. Disease outbreak, including typhoid and cholera, was feared. And Christian practice is to bury the dead.
Waruga in Tonsea have carvings and reliefs showing how the bodies are stored in their respective waruga and illustrating livelihoods.
There are about 370 Warugas (waruga-waruga) in Rap-Rap (15), Airmadidi Down (211) and Sawangan, North Sulawesi (144).
They are a tourist attraction and were listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1995 in the waruga archaeological park in Sawangan. At Taman Purbakala Waruga-Waruga, the sarcophagi have been collected from surrounding areas and at a nearby museum porcelain, armbands, axes and bone fragments are exhibited. Most of the waruga have been looted for valuable contents.
Captain Puck van Heel and the captain of the Dutch East Indies enter the playing field, followed by the other players. Netherlands - Dutch East Indies (9-2) Amsterdam, Netherlands (28 June 1938)
FIFA World Cup 1938
Hungary - Dutch East Indies (6-0) Reims, France (5 june, 1938)
The Dutch East Indies was one of the participants in the World Cup in 1938. With Brazil and Cuba the only non-European participants in the World Cup. The Dutch colony was placed for the finals having to play without qualifiers because opponent Japan withdrew.
Because the motherland Netherlands also participated in the World Cup the national anthem was heard twice at the event. The team consisted only of players from the Nederlandsch-Indische Voetbal Unie (NIVU) and the Dutch Association president Johannes Christoffel van Mastenbroek acted as trainer. The indigenous federation PSSI, which worked together with the NIVU , was not represented among the players because there were several of Chinese origin. The participation of 1938 was the only one in the history of the Dutch East Indies. In 1950, at the next World Cup, the colony had become independent, and was called Indonesia. After independence, Indonesia has never managed to qualify for the finals.
have anice christmes time and new years
Interesting story, do you have a copy of this with Indonesia language?
BalasHapusBtw I'm about to write fiction about kingdom of Manado/Minahasa but i need more knowledge about my own ancestors and historical story of this land.