
asal usul nama indonesia

video by mevr Bertha van der Meer-Moningka 15 Februari Mevr Dr Emilia Augustina Pangalila-Ratulangie (tante Zus )putri ke 2 dr Dr Sam Ratulangi ,umur 96 thn 6 bln vertelde Waar komt de naam”INDONESIA “vandaan ...Menjelaskan dari mana asalnya nama “INDONESIA “....Soest 20-1-2019 ( di ambil dari nama perusahaan dr samrattulangi bersma istri Susi Emilie Suzane Houtman 'Assurantie Maatschappij Indonesia'.. Kembali ke Indonesia Ratulangi dengan Soekarno (1948) Ratulangi dengan yang lainnya di depan gedung Minahasa Raad Ratulangi pada saat akan memberi pidato di Volksraad (1927) Sekembalinya ke Indonesia pada tahun 1919, Ratulangi pindah ke Yogyakarta untuk mengajar matematika dan sains di sekolah teknik Prinses Juliana School.[16] Setelah tiga tahun mengajar, ia pindah ke Bandung dan memulai perusahaan asuransi Assurantie Maatschappij Indonesia dengan Roland Tumbelaka, seorang dokter yang juga bera...

a history of my minahasa and netherland dutch

Dutch Docu Channel Halaman Disukai · 17 Desember 2013 · ·  Treaty of 10 Januari 1679 between the Dutch East India Company (VOC) and the leaders of the Minahassan people. In the second half of the 16th century, both Portuguese and the Spanish arrived in North Sulawesi. The Dutch governor of Maluku, Robert Padtbrugge, visited Manado in 1679. Out of this visit came a treaty with the local Minahasan chiefs, which led to domination by the Dutch for the next 300 years although indirect government only commenced in 1870. The contract was signed on January 10, 1679, in which the heads of the Minahasa declared: "wanting to be the loyal subjects under the East India Company and loyal to them as their Lord and Master and will accept the Dutch as their Sovereign and to obey and respect " The original contract from 1679 is not found back. However, a new contract ""Nader Contract"" of September 10, 1699 still excist. It reads (in Dutch); "Nader Contract ende ...